Air Hockey Table Guide

The History of Air Hockey Table: From Inception to Modern-Day Gameplay

The History of Air Hockey Table: From Inception to Modern-Day Gameplay

Air hockey is a popular arcade game that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for decades. The game involves two players using mallets to hit a puck across a table, with the goal of scoring points by getting the puck into the opponent’s goal. While air hockey is a relatively simple game, its history is rich and fascinating.

The origins of air hockey can be traced back to the 1960s when a group of engineers at Brunswick Billiards were experimenting with ways to make a game that combined the fast-paced action of ice hockey with the convenience of an indoor game. The result was air hockey, a game that used a cushion of air to allow the puck to glide smoothly across the table. The first air hockey table was introduced in 1972, and it quickly became a hit with players of all ages.

Key Takeaways

  • Air hockey was invented in the 1960s by engineers at Brunswick Billiards who wanted to create a fast-paced indoor game that combined the excitement of ice hockey with the convenience of an arcade game.
  • The first air hockey table was introduced in 1972 and quickly became a popular game in arcades and other entertainment venues around the world.
  • Today, air hockey remains a beloved game that is enjoyed by players of all ages, and it continues to evolve with new materials, designs, and technologies.

Origins of Air Hockey

Air hockey is a popular game that is enjoyed by people of all ages. The game is played on a table that has a smooth playing surface and is powered by a motor that creates an air cushion. The origins of air hockey can be traced back to the late 1960s when a group of engineers in the United States created a game that was similar to ice hockey but could be played indoors.

The first air hockey table was created by a group of engineers led by Bob Lemieux and Phil Crossman in 1969. They were working for a company called Brunswick Billiards and were tasked with creating a new game that could be played indoors. They came up with the idea of using a motor to create an air cushion on the playing surface, which would allow a puck to glide smoothly across the table.

The first air hockey table was called “Dynahockey” and was introduced to the public in 1972. It quickly became popular and was soon being manufactured by other companies. The game was initially marketed as a family game, but it soon became popular in bars and arcades.

Over the years, the game has evolved and there are now many different variations of air hockey. Some tables have electronic scoring systems, while others have different sized playing surfaces. The game has also become popular in competitive circles, with tournaments being held all over the world.

In conclusion, air hockey is a game that has a rich history and has evolved over the years. The game was created by a group of engineers in the late 1960s and has since become a popular game that is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Invention and Patent

Air hockey was invented by a group of Brunswick Billiards employees in the late 1960s. Bob Kenrick, Phil Crossman, and Brad Baldwin were tasked with creating a new game to add to the company’s line of products. They drew inspiration from a game called “Glice,” which was played on a frictionless surface.

The first air hockey table was a prototype made from plywood and electrical components salvaged from a pinball machine. It had a smooth surface and a cushion of air that allowed the puck to glide across the table. The trio filed a patent for their invention in 1972, which was granted in 1975.

The original patent described the game as “a game table comprising a playing surface, means for producing a cushion of air on said playing surface, and a puck for playing a game thereon.” The patent also included details about the size and shape of the table, the materials used to construct it, and the design of the puck.

The patent was later sold to a company called the Brunswick Corporation, which began producing air hockey tables for commercial use. The game quickly gained popularity and became a staple in arcades and game rooms around the world.

Today, air hockey tables are available in a variety of sizes and styles, from small tabletop versions to full-size professional models. The game remains a beloved pastime for people of all ages, and its invention continues to be celebrated as a major milestone in the history of gaming.

The Air Hockey Table Design


The design of the air hockey table has remained relatively consistent since its invention in the 1970s. The standard size of an air hockey table is 84 inches long, 42 inches wide, and 30 inches high. The table is typically made of wood, with a smooth playing surface made of a high-density polymer material. The edges of the table are raised to prevent the puck from flying off the table during play.

The playing surface of the air hockey table is perforated with thousands of small holes, which are connected to an air blower located beneath the table. The blower pumps air through the holes, creating a cushion of air that allows the puck to glide smoothly across the surface of the table. The air pressure is typically adjustable, allowing players to customize the speed of the puck.

The design of the air hockey table also includes two goals, one at each end of the table. The goals are typically rectangular in shape and are positioned at opposite ends of the table. The goals are surrounded by a thin plastic barrier that prevents the puck from bouncing out of the goal once it has been scored.

In addition to the standard design, there are also variations of the air hockey table that include additional features such as electronic scoreboards, LED lighting, and sound effects. However, the basic design of the air hockey table has remained largely unchanged since its invention, and continues to be a popular game enjoyed by players of all ages around the world.

Evolution of the Air Hockey Table

The air hockey table has a rich history that dates back to the early 1970s. It was invented by a group of engineers at Brunswick Billiards, who were looking for a way to create a new type of game that would be both fun and challenging. The first air hockey table was introduced in 1972, and it quickly became a popular game among people of all ages.

Over the years, the air hockey table has undergone several changes and improvements. In the early days, the tables were made from wood and had a simple design. The playing surface was covered with a thin layer of plastic, and the puck was made from a small piece of plastic. However, as the game became more popular, manufacturers started to make improvements to the design.

One of the most significant improvements to the air hockey table was the introduction of electronic scoring. This allowed players to keep track of their score more accurately, and it made the game more competitive. In addition, manufacturers started to use more durable materials, such as aluminum and stainless steel, to make the tables more sturdy and long-lasting.

Another significant improvement to the air hockey table was the introduction of different playing surfaces. Some tables were designed with a curved surface, which made it more challenging to keep the puck in play. Other tables had a rough surface, which made it easier to control the puck and perform trick shots.

Today, the air hockey table is still a popular game among people of all ages. It has become a staple of arcades, bars, and game rooms around the world. Manufacturers continue to make improvements to the design, and new features are constantly being added to make the game more challenging and exciting.

Materials and Manufacturing

Air hockey tables are typically made from a combination of plastic and wood. The playing surface is usually made of a high-density plastic material, such as polyethylene or acrylic, which allows the puck to glide smoothly across the surface. The side rails and legs are usually made of wood, which provides stability and support for the playing surface.

The manufacturing process for air hockey tables involves several steps. First, the playing surface is cut to size and shape using a CNC machine. The side rails and legs are then cut and assembled using various woodworking techniques, such as doweling and gluing.

Once the playing surface and frame are complete, they are assembled together using screws and other hardware. The air hockey table is then finished with a layer of protective coating, such as lacquer or polyurethane, to protect the playing surface and frame from damage.

Some air hockey tables also include additional features, such as electronic scoring systems and built-in sound effects. These features are typically added during the final stages of manufacturing and require additional wiring and programming.

Overall, the materials and manufacturing process for air hockey tables have remained relatively consistent over the years, with improvements in technology and materials leading to more durable and higher-quality tables.

The Puck and Mallet

The Puck and Mallet in air Hockey Table

The puck and mallet are the two essential components of an air hockey table. The puck is a smooth, round disc made of plastic, while the mallet is a paddle-shaped tool used to hit the puck. The puck is designed to glide smoothly across the table’s surface, while the mallet is used to strike the puck, sending it into the opponent’s goal.

The puck is typically made of high-density plastic, which gives it a smooth surface that allows it to slide easily across the table. The edges of the puck are slightly raised, which helps to create a cushion of air beneath it. This cushion of air reduces friction between the puck and the table, allowing it to move quickly and smoothly.

The mallet is typically made of plastic, although some models may feature a wooden handle. The head of the mallet is shaped like a paddle, with a flat surface that is used to strike the puck. The mallet is designed to be lightweight and easy to maneuver, allowing players to quickly move it across the table to hit the puck.

Overall, the design of the puck and mallet is essential to the game of air hockey. Without these two components, the game would not be possible.

Rules and Regulations

Air hockey is a game that is easy to learn but difficult to master. It is played on a table that has a smooth surface, with two players using paddles to hit a puck back and forth across the table. The objective of the game is to score points by shooting the puck into the opponent’s goal.

There are a few basic rules that players must follow when playing air hockey. First, players must always keep their hands and paddles on their side of the table. If a player touches the puck with their hand or paddle on the opponent’s side of the table, it is considered a foul.

Secondly, players must not touch the puck with any part of their body except for their paddle. If a player touches the puck with any other part of their body, it is also considered a foul.

Thirdly, players must not obstruct the opponent’s view of the puck. If a player’s body or paddle blocks the opponent’s view of the puck, it is considered a foul.

Finally, the game is played in rounds, with each round lasting until one player reaches seven points. If both players reach seven points at the same time, the game goes into sudden death, with the first player to score winning the game.

Overall, air hockey is a fast-paced and exciting game that requires skill, strategy, and quick reflexes. By following these basic rules and regulations, players can enjoy a fair and competitive game of air hockey.

Full Guide:  Air Hockey Table Rules

Air Hockey in Popular Culture

Air hockey has become a popular game worldwide, and it has made its way into popular culture in several ways. Here are a few examples:

Movies and TV Shows: Air hockey has been featured in several movies and TV shows over the years. For instance, it was prominently featured in the movie “Hell Night” (1981) and the TV show “Friends” (1994-2004). In the latter, the characters Joey and Chandler were often shown playing air hockey in their apartment.

Video Games: Air hockey has also been adapted into various video games, such as “Air Hockey” (1972), “Virtual Air Hockey” (1997), and “Air Hockey World Cup” (2011). These games allow players to experience the thrill of air hockey from the comfort of their homes.

Competitions: Air hockey competitions have also gained popularity over the years. The U.S. Air Hockey Association (USAA) was founded in 1975, and it has since organized various tournaments and championships. The World Air Hockey Association (WAHA) was also founded in 1993, and it has organized several world championships.

Merchandise: Air hockey has also inspired various merchandise, such as t-shirts, mugs, and keychains. These products often feature air hockey-related graphics and slogans, making them popular among air hockey enthusiasts.

Overall, air hockey has made its way into popular culture in several ways, and its popularity shows no signs of slowing down.

Air Hockey Tournaments and Championships

Air hockey tournaments and championships have been held since the early 1970s. The first national championship was held in 1974 in Southern California. The tournament was organized by Bob Lemieux, a Brunswick Corporation employee who was tasked with promoting the game.

Since then, air hockey has grown in popularity, and tournaments are now held all over the world. The biggest tournament is the World Air Hockey Championships, which has been held annually since 1980. The tournament attracts players from all over the world and is considered the most prestigious air hockey tournament.

There are also many regional and local tournaments held throughout the year. These tournaments are a great way for players to improve their skills and compete against other players. Some of the most popular regional tournaments include the Texas State Championships and the Colorado State Championships.

In addition to traditional tournaments, there are also alternative formats of air hockey competitions. One of the most popular formats is doubles air hockey, where two players team up to compete against another pair. There are also variations of air hockey that involve playing with multiple pucks or using obstacles on the table.

Overall, air hockey tournaments and championships are a great way for players to showcase their skills and compete against other players from around the world. As the popularity of air hockey continues to grow, it is likely that more tournaments and championships will be organized in the future.

Famous Air Hockey Players

Air hockey has produced some of the most talented and skilled players in the world. These players have dedicated their lives to mastering the game and have achieved great success. Here are some of the most famous air hockey players:

Tim Weissman

Tim Weissman is considered by many to be the greatest air hockey player of all time. He has won numerous national and international championships and has been inducted into the Air Hockey Hall of Fame. Weissman is known for his incredible speed and accuracy, and his ability to read his opponents’ moves.

Danny Hynes

Danny Hynes is another legendary air hockey player. He has won multiple national and international championships and has been inducted into the Air Hockey Hall of Fame. Hynes is known for his aggressive playing style and his ability to intimidate his opponents.

Jesse Douty

Jesse Douty is a rising star in the world of air hockey. He has won multiple national championships and has been ranked as one of the top players in the world. Douty is known for his incredible speed and agility, and his ability to make quick, accurate shots.

Cindy Head

Cindy Head is one of the most successful female air hockey players of all time. She has won multiple national championships and has been inducted into the Air Hockey Hall of Fame. Head is known for her strategic playing style and her ability to outsmart her opponents.

Air hockey has produced many other talented players, each with their own unique playing style and strengths. These players have helped to make air hockey one of the most exciting and competitive games in the world.

Air Hockey Table Brands

Air Hockey Table Brands

There are several brands of air hockey tables available in the market. Some of the most popular brands are:

Brunswick: Brunswick is one of the oldest and most reputable brands in the air hockey table industry. They offer a wide range of air hockey tables, from basic models to high-end professional tables.

Valley-Dynamo: Valley-Dynamo is another well-known brand in the air hockey table industry. They are known for their durable and high-quality tables that are often used in professional tournaments.

Carrom: Carrom is a brand that offers a range of affordable air hockey tables for home use. Their tables are designed for casual players and families who want to have some fun at home.

Atomic: Atomic is a brand that offers a range of mid-range air hockey tables for home use. Their tables are designed for casual players who want a decent-quality table without breaking the bank.

Hathaway: Hathaway is a brand that offers a range of affordable air hockey tables for home use. Their tables are designed for families who want to have some fun at home without spending too much money.

Each brand has its own unique features and benefits. When choosing an air hockey table, it is important to consider your budget, playing style, and level of experience.

Maintenance and Care of Air Hockey Tables

Air hockey tables are a fun and exciting addition to any game room or entertainment space. To keep them in top condition and ensure they last for years to come, proper maintenance and care are essential.

One of the most important things to do is to keep the playing surface clean. Dirt, dust, and other debris can accumulate on the surface over time, which can affect the performance of the puck. To clean the surface, simply wipe it down with a soft, damp cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the surface.

Regular maintenance of the table’s motor is also crucial. The motor is what powers the air flow that allows the puck to glide smoothly across the surface. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate in the motor, which can cause it to overheat and malfunction. To prevent this, it is important to clean the motor regularly. This can be done by using a soft brush to gently remove any debris from the motor’s vents.

In addition to regular cleaning and maintenance, it is important to store the table properly when not in use. This means keeping it in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. It is also a good idea to cover the table with a protective cover to prevent dust and debris from accumulating on the surface.

By following these simple maintenance and care tips, air hockey tables can provide years of fun and entertainment for players of all ages.

Influence on Other Games

The popularity of air hockey table has led to its influence on other games. Some of these games include:

Air soccer: This game is similar to air hockey but is played with a larger puck and a larger table. The players use their feet instead of mallets to hit the puck.

Air basketball: This game is played on a smaller table with a hoop on each end. The players use a smaller puck and a smaller mallet to shoot the puck into the opponent’s hoop.

Shuffleboard: Shuffleboard is a game that is played on a table with a long surface. Players use a cue stick to slide pucks down the surface of the table. The game is similar to air hockey in that it requires precision and accuracy.

Foosball: Foosball is a table game that is played with miniature soccer players that are attached to rods. The players use these rods to move the soccer players and hit the ball into the opponent’s goal. Foosball tables often have a similar layout to air hockey tables.

Overall, the popularity of air hockey has led to the creation of other table games that require skill and precision. These games have become popular in their own right and have helped to keep the tradition of table games alive.

Future of Air Hockey

The future of air hockey looks bright, with the game continuing to gain popularity. As technology advances, we can expect to see improvements in the design of air hockey tables, making them more durable and easier to maintain.

One area of potential growth is in the development of smart air hockey tables. These tables could be equipped with sensors and cameras that track the movement of the puck and players, allowing for more accurate scoring and analysis of gameplay.

Another trend is the use of LED lighting in air hockey tables, making them more visually appealing and adding an extra level of excitement to the game.

Additionally, we may see more customization options for air hockey tables, allowing players to choose different colors and designs for their tables.

Overall, the future of air hockey is promising, with advancements in technology and design making the game even more enjoyable for players of all ages.


In conclusion, the air hockey table has come a long way since its invention in the 1960s. From its humble beginnings as a prototype made out of plywood and a vacuum cleaner motor, it has evolved into a popular game enjoyed by people of all ages around the world.

Over the years, manufacturers have made improvements to the design and materials used to make air hockey tables, resulting in a more durable and high-performing product. Today, players can choose from a variety of sizes, shapes, and styles to suit their needs and preferences.

Despite the rise of digital and online gaming, air hockey remains a popular choice for those who enjoy the physical and social aspects of playing games. Its fast-paced, competitive nature makes it a thrilling experience for players and spectators alike.

Overall, the history of the air hockey table is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of its inventors and manufacturers, as well as the enduring appeal of classic games that bring people together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who invented the first air hockey table?

The first air hockey table was invented by a group of engineers at Brunswick Billiards in 1969. The team was led by Bob Lemieux, who was inspired by a game he saw played on a frictionless surface in a lab at MIT.

What is the history of air hockey and how did it become popular?

Air hockey quickly became popular in the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in arcades and bars. It was featured in several movies and TV shows during this time, which helped to increase its popularity. Today, air hockey is enjoyed by people of all ages and is played in homes, schools, and recreation centers around the world.

What are the standard dimensions of an air hockey table?

The standard dimensions of an air hockey table are 84 inches long by 42 inches wide by 30 inches high. However, there are also smaller and larger tables available, depending on the needs of the players.

What are the rules of air hockey?

The rules of air hockey are fairly simple. Players use paddles to hit a puck into their opponent’s goal, and the first player to score seven points wins the game. There are also rules regarding fouls, such as touching the puck with anything other than the paddle or failing to hit the puck before it crosses the centerline.

What are some common air hockey strategies?

Some common air hockey strategies include using quick, short movements to control the puck, using the walls to bank shots, and using fake shots to throw off the opponent’s timing. Players may also vary their speed and direction to keep their opponent guessing.

What are the different types of air hockey tables available?

There are several different types of air hockey tables available, including home tables, commercial tables, and tournament tables. Home tables are designed for casual play and are typically smaller and less expensive than commercial or tournament tables. Commercial tables are designed for use in arcades and other public spaces, while tournament tables are designed for professional players and meet specific size and weight requirements.